StarCards is the first NFT collection to govern a DEX.
Holders of the StarCards NFTs will be making the decisions for the DEX and earning 100% of the platform fees.
Total number of NFTs: 3000, launched in 3 phases of 1000 cards each.
Launch date of the first 1000 StarCards: 05-05-2022 at 5am UTC.
Price per NFT: 500 ASTR
A maximum of 5 Cards can be minted per wallet.
Second and third phase of 1000 cards each will be launched after the first phase (7 days apart from each other) price will be (150 USD and 200 USD each approximately in $ASTR)
Why StarCards?
1: Governance
Governance votes and platform fees will be directly proportional to the cards rarity ranking. Once the DEX is live, there will be a voting system for community members to add proposals, anyone with StarCards NFTs will be able to submit proposals and the community of other holders can vote and decide on the outcome.
2. Platform fees
Holders of StarCards NFTs will enjoy 100% of the platform fees from the DEX.
3. NFT Staking
StarCards NFT holders will be able to stake their NFTs and earn STAR tokens from the DEX once it's deployed.
4. Exclusive, early access to the STAR tokens
StarCards holders will have exclusive early bird access to STAR tokens at a discounted price, before the public launch followed by an airdrop for those who participated in the early access of STAR tokens.
We believe in building a platform with a 'community first' motto.
Last updated